Pottery Classes

Come and learn in a fun and relaxed garden environment pottery skills.

The teaching studio space is well lit, warm and fully equipped and welcomes a broad range of class sizes from the highly personal direct experience of 1:1, a shared class and up to 8 participants. The classes being small, informal and easy going are about what you the student want to learn.

All levels of ability are welcome to come from beginners to the more experienced: learn the basic skills including throwing and hand building and finally the glazing process. This opportunity to have a comprehensive knowledge of all the various states of the clay making process gives a good foundation for further development

I have been teaching Adults for many years since 2007 and am currently teaching weekly classes and short courses at Sunningwell School of Art near Abingdon and also at CLAY at the Farnham Pottery.

The cost of a 1-1 personal class is £ 90 for 2 hours which includes the clay, the two firings, including the final glaze firing.
A shared class is £ 145, £72.50 per person and a group is £60 per person